Your Partner in Recovery Success

Your Partner in Recovery Success

Do you have faith?

Today, I wanted to talk a bit about faith.

Let’s talk first about the emotional distress, along with the physical distress of stroke.

The #’s actually say that 33% of people with stroke have a depressed feeling after stroke.

I am here to tell you that over 85% of the people that I talk to, and or meet, have been, or are in a depressed mood.

This can come from many things, but mostly I see it in those that know that their life has changed and they are not sure how to move forward.

We were talking on our Stroke Warrior Meeting the other day about this, and I see it all the time.

The problem is not knowing…then, asking questions like;

  • What can I do now that I have lost some of my physicality
  • I don’t think as fast as I used to, how is this going to affect me
  • My life has changed so drastically that I don’t know what to do to move it the right direction
  • On and On…

But let me bring something up…


Faith is something that we could put a huge amount of labels on…

  • Confidence
  • Conviction
  • Trust
  • Beyond the common
  • Rare
  • Highly unusual
  • Remarkable
  • More than expected
  • Spectacular

It is easy to see this list and/or even begin to say it. However, what action will take place in order to move you forward after stroke and/or head injury?

I am going to reference my BASE program here, because I, like some of you, went through the same set of questions and emotional distress that many have had.

Let’s start with what BASE is.

It is an acronym that stands for Belief, Attitude, Strength, and Energy.

I wrote this document because I couldn’t find anything out there that would help me with my own faith in myself…my own belief in who I was and what I wanted to continue to do.

Then, through a friend, and stroke survivor that I was talking to, she told me it was too much too soon.

So I put it in a format that can be watched, and worked on, a step at a time, in order to continue the growth that is needed.

The “B” in BASE is Belief.

By working on and growing your own belief in who you are, what you do, and knowing that you are still here for a reason, is what it takes for you and I to continue to grow and prosper after stroke.

This is a great first step toward your faith!

“A” is for Attitude.

Let me ask you…does your own attitude affect your faith?

Of course it does!

Controlling that attitude is not the easiest thing, I know.

However, once you begin to manage your emotions, and get back the positive mindset that you need, you will be on the right path to major growth.

Strength is the “S” in BASE.

I refer to strength as your “Inner Powers” in the program.

You must develop and increase your own focus within. This will help you to discover your full potential after your stroke.

Let me ask…Did you hear that you were only going to grow for a year or so after your stroke? This is malarkey!!!

If you choose to continue to grow and find your way to prosper, you will absolutely do it!!

Finally, “E” is about Energy.

One of my favorite sessions is “Seven Levels Deep”. This is where you go through a process of defining your own vision and what you want for the rest of your life.

If you go deep and really work hard on each question, it can be very emotional and your passion can come through.

This process helped me redefine who I was after my stroke, and helped me decide what and how to go about getting on track.

Of course, you must have faith within to continue and grow in the journey you are on.

Are you asking God or your own higher power within to help you find more faith?

Faith and the remarkable growth that is there for you doesn’t happen without YOU deciding and making the efforts needed.

It is time to decide to move forward in your faith of yourself.

I don’t care what level you are at…you’ve got to continue to have faith and work toward your own healing, growth, and enjoyment of a great life.

Do you spend time thinking on these terms?

Do you spend time in prayer?

Do you spend time in your journal or writing about this?

Decide right now to move the needle forward on your faith…on the faith within you that is critical to your own growth and continued enjoyment in life.

Know that you can overcome and have a great life! Know that you can move beyond the circumstances that stroke has put on you.

You are an awesome person!

You will continue to grow your own stability, and longevity!

And remember, I am

Committed to YOUR Recovery!


P.S. If you would like the opportunity to chat for 1/2 hour or so, please reach out to me here.

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