Your Partner in Recovery Success

Your Partner in Recovery Success

A Meeting with a Captain in the Army

A quick share for you today.

This was a great meeting with Steven Hail who talked about his experience as a captain in the Army, as well as sharing a new “Warrior Creed” (As my friend Michelle – stroke_mom says).

Steven actually started it as an acronym that embodies all Stroke Warriors! He has some great advice within this recording that, I think, is very important to hear.

He talks about when he was shot around the 40 min. mark. Crazy!!!

What a great Warrior he is…”You’re mission is not done” he says. You and I are specially selected as we choose life.

Here is the meeting:

There are a lot of very important tidbits

Of course, please watch any video you’d like as well here: and, if you like any of this, be sure to subscribe to the channel, as I’m always adding more material that helps us Stroke Warriors.

Just a quick FYI…I have started a Podcast that I’m about to share.

My desire here is to give the Stroke Community more positive belief in themselves.

They will be small tidbits of BASE…meaning Belief/Attitude/Strength/Energy.

I’m hoping it helps the community!

That’s it for now!!

Thanks so much…AND as always, I am

Committed to YOUR Recovery!

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